Sunday, August 31, 2014


This is my first time ever creating a blog so bear with me! I guess I'll start by saying my name is Andrea Lussier and I'm a sophomore at Grand Valley.  Since my first day here, I was set on studying Elementary Education with an emphasis on social studies.  Through this blog, hopefully you'll get to watch and enjoy with me, my journey to becoming a teacher.

It all began back when I was a little girl and my friends and I would play school in my playroom.  I always wanted to be the teachers, making all my friends act as my students.  Once in high school, I began helping and mentoring in elementary classrooms and my love for teaching continued to grow.  My passion for children is something I can't explain, nothing truly makes me happier than being around their giddy, smiling and outgoing little personalities.  I've been told time and time again "you would make the perfect teacher" or "you're whole face lights up when you're around little kids".  That's the truth of it when I really think about, I can't even imagine being anything but a teacher.  It's been my dream far too long for me to envision myself in another career path.  When it comes to children, that truly is my happy place.  I'm such a people person and watching students grow starting at such a young age is truly such a privilege that I can't wait to soon call mine.  Teaching at the elementary school level, you really are what is shaping the generations to come and if that's not something to be excited and proud of than I don't know what it is.  To me, I consider teaching to be a hobby and passion, not a job or career.

As I hope you can see, I'm so beyond happy and excited to be in the midst of this wonderful journey to achieving my lifelong dream.  I hope you enjoy watching me grow and succeed at this goal just as much as I will through keeping up on my blog  :)

1 comment:

  1. Good introduction!

    For class blog posts we'll be looking for connections or extensions on the ideas from class, or from things that connect. Problem think alouds, big ideas in math or teaching, reading connections, etc.
