Sunday, September 14, 2014

Patterns, Patterns, Patterns Everywhere!

Lately in class we've been learning about what makes a pattern, where patterns can be found and how to create our own.  I was shocked to find that patterns truly are every which way you turn.  Sometimes it just takes a little opening up of your eyes to truly see them.  We've also been practicing how to extend them and explain them in words, which many find to be the most difficult part.  What's so awesome about patterns is that they can be as simple or complex as you please.  We've been practicing these thoughts and concepts through dominoes and pattern tiles.  A super fun way to practicing the extenstion of patterns is to start one and then ask a friend or family member to try and continue it, then see if what they did matched what you had pictured in your head.  What makes this even more fun is sometimes it doesn't match what you were trying to create, hoewever, it's still a pattern!

Here's some patterns of things you come across in your everyday lives but never have truly taken the time to notice them..

These are just some examples of basic and common exmaples that are sometimes so common that they go overlooked!

Here are a few patterns on the more interesting side that we don't necessarily see everyday!

Now go try to create your own pattern!  Ask a family or friend to extend it and see how your pattern turns out.  And along the way, don't forget to keep your eyes open for other awesome patterns since of course, they are.. EVERYWHERE!


  1. I love how you put up the pictures of everyday patterns that most pass by, it is crazy to think of how many patterns there are out there!

  2. Lots of good images.

    To make complete, add you description of what makes it a pattern. Or look for imilarities and differences among the different types of patterns you've got here.
    To enhance content, include some of the kinds of patterns we did in class, too. (Visual, steps, numbers...)
